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     Most exam applicants agree the Code book is the most difficult part of an electrical exam. Time becomes such an important factor. 100 open book questions are to be answered in 4 hours on the exam.
    Today exams state "open book" questions, BUT, the only reference book allowed in
the exam room is the Code book.
Your score on the open book exam depends on how familiar you are with the Code book. Most exams applicants run out of time and are not able to find all the answers to
the questions within the limited time.
The key to an open book exam is not to spend too much time on one question. If the question does not contain a key word that you can find in the index, skip this question, and continue to the next question. If you spend 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 6 minutes on a question and never find the answer, you are eating into the time that should be used for
the answers you can find.
    In general there are usually 8 to 10 really difficult questions on the exam. The remaining questions after proper preparation you will be able to find within the allotted time. Skip these 8 or 10 as you recognize them and move on finding the other answers. If you answer 75 questions correctly out of a total of 100 questions, your score would be 75%! That's better than in some cases where the applicant hasn't even answered 20 questions and time has run out. You can't spend 5 or 6 minutes on a question. Never leave a question unanswered, unanswered is counted wrong. Always select a multiple choice answer before time runs out.
    Proper preparation is so important in passing an opne book exam. I teach by being properly prepared withhow to find your way around in the Code book, you'll be able to look up all the answers within the time limit.
            4 hour exam = 240 minutes/100 questions = 2.4 minutes per question.
What one must note is your hi-lited Ultimate Code book and Key Word Index book
must be continually updated as new exam questions appear monthly.

The Key Word Index is such a valuable tool! This book is NOT allowed 
in some testing centers. The KEY is to use it at home to locate 
these troublesome answers so on the day of the exam you can recall them.

Example of a recent question:

1. Motors and other rotating electrical machinery shall be totally enclosed 
or designed so as to minimize the entrance of ______.

(a) moisture   (b) dust   (c) corrosive particles   (d) all of these

Try finding this without the KEY WORD INDEX in 2.4 minutes. It may take you 
2.4 Days!

    This UPDATE contains 61 NEW KEY WORDS to add to your 2014 and 2017 
KEY WORD INDEX containing code section and page number. The UPDATE
also contains 100 recent exam ANSWERS to check and make sure they are Hi-Lited 
in your Ultimate Code book.

This UPDATE contains 100 recent open book code questions in four 
25 question exams so you can monitor your improvement in the code in 
one hour at a time.

The three keys in preparing and passing an electrical exam are:
(1) reading (2) general math (3) retention (retaining what you read)

    I had a lady student years ago who worked for an electrical contractor handling 
payroll and clerical work. She had never connected a wire in her life, but had the three 
key assets, she loved to read, used math in her work, and was very good at retaining
what she was properly taught in class. She passed the master exam on the first 
with a 76% score.

   The difficulty occurs when you say Code book. Most applicants taking an exam are not familiar enough with the Code book and it's easy to understand why only 25 out of 100 pass an electrical exam on the first try.   



       Item #1008   THE UPDATE .........$25.00


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